Passiontide Begins

Torch of The Faith News on Sunday 22 March 2015 - 08:19:32 | by admin

During this last fortnight of Lent the preparation of catechumens and penitents ceases to occupy the principle interest of the traditional liturgy: the thoughts of the Church become concentrated on the Person of Our Lord and on the events leading to His trial and death. 

The statues and crosses in the churches are veiled, a special Preface is said, and the Collect against the persecutors of the Church or for the Pope is added each day. The Gospels during the next week show the growing hatred and enmity of the Sanhedrin towards Jesus.

The Traditional Latin Mass today is full of the thought of the Passion. The Introit is the cry of the Innocent One who is unjustly persecuted: in the Epistle, the redemption obtained by Christ's death is contrasted with the figures of the Old Law. The Gospel describes how Jesus calmly, but firmly, proclaimed His superhuman origin, power and life against the jeers and insults of the Jews.

Gradual. Psalm 142: Deliver me from mine enemies, O Lord: teach me to do Thy will. Ps.17: Thou art my deliverer, O Lord, from the angry nations: Thou wilt lift me up above them that rise up against me: from the unjust man Thou wilt deliver me.  

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