 | We are excited about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church! Why? Because, as Pope Benedict XVI says in his encyclical Deus Caritas Est 'We have come to believe in God's love'. This is truly the message of peace and hope that aching humanity longs to hear and live out. Our vocation is to share the treasures of Sacred Scripture and Tradition through authentic evangelization and catechetical instruction. We can also provide talks and prayer to help you get going in your locality.  |
 | God has given to the Church the extraordinary grace of the apparitions and message of Fatima. In particular we encourage you to respond to this gift by prayer and fasting and by practicing the devotion of the Five First Saturdays of Reparation; in which one endeavours to make a good confession, a worthy Holy Communion, to pray the Rosary and meditate for 15 minutes on a Rosary mystery.  The message of Fatima is a vital key to re-evangelizing and rescuing Western civilization from its slide into barbaric post-Christian nihilism. We can share this message with your group.  |
While launching this website Alan kept receiving an image of a broken cistern covered in rust and lime scale and full of stagnating water. Jeremiah 2:13 proclaims ‘My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out for themselves, broken cisterns, that can hold no water’. Britain today has largely rejected God and His Holy Law and the results are all around us in the deep despair and unhappiness of human hearts. And yet, prior to all of this, the Lord is thirsting that we might thirst for Him! He is freely offering to all His life-giving water and the nourishment of His Sacraments to heal and fulfil us. Like the woman at the well, we are each invited to ask Him, 'Sir, give me this water that I might not thirst'(Gospel of John 4:15). |  |