Marriage & Family Life
Ephesians 5:21-33 is foundational in our work of witnessing to others about God's awesome plan for marriage, as a sign of the mystery of Christ and the Church. Authentic Christian marriage is an expression of chaste love which is permanent, fruitful and open to life. Young people are often amazed to hear this for the first time!
In recent years, we have been involved with marriage preparation catechesis for numerous couples in parishes around the UK.
We have also given many presentations, relating to the Sacrament of Marriage and the Gospel of Life, to RCIA groups, university students and young people in high schools and youth groups.
Our catechetical endeavours are faithful to Casti Connubii, Familiaris Consortio and Humanae Vitae. They harmonize with the call of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, for marriage preparation catechesis to be restored through a rediscovery of the authentic teaching of the Church on chastity. As he proclaimed to the American Bishops, in March 2012;
Young people need to encounter the Church's teaching in its integrity, challenging and countercultural as that teaching may be; more importantly, they need to see it embodied by faithful married couples who bear convincing witness to its truth... In a society which increasingly tends to misunderstand and even ridicule this essential dimension of Christian teaching, young people need to be reassured that ''if we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, absolutely nothing, of what makes life free, beautiful and great.''
Torch of The Faith hosting a Marriage Preparation Day for
Engaged Couples  - Greyfriars, Oxford 2012Â
Our wedding day - 27th April 2002  | What a great joy it is to live in married love and friendship with God and one another! One of the main goals of Torch of The Faith is to bear faithful witness to the true teachings of Jesus Christ, about the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, as expressed through Sacred Scripture and Tradition. |
Ephesians 5:21-33 is foundational in our work of witnessing to others about God's awesome plan for marriage, as a sign of the mystery of Christ and the Church. Authentic Christian marriage is an expression of chaste love which is permanent, fruitful and open to life. Young people are often amazed to hear this for the first time!
In recent years, we have been involved with marriage preparation catechesis for numerous couples in parishes around the UK.
We have also given many presentations, relating to the Sacrament of Marriage and the Gospel of Life, to RCIA groups, university students and young people in high schools and youth groups.
Our catechetical endeavours are faithful to Casti Connubii, Familiaris Consortio and Humanae Vitae. They harmonize with the call of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, for marriage preparation catechesis to be restored through a rediscovery of the authentic teaching of the Church on chastity. As he proclaimed to the American Bishops, in March 2012;
Young people need to encounter the Church's teaching in its integrity, challenging and countercultural as that teaching may be; more importantly, they need to see it embodied by faithful married couples who bear convincing witness to its truth... In a society which increasingly tends to misunderstand and even ridicule this essential dimension of Christian teaching, young people need to be reassured that ''if we let Christ into our lives, we lose nothing, absolutely nothing, of what makes life free, beautiful and great.''
Torch of The Faith hosting a Marriage Preparation Day for
Engaged Couples  - Greyfriars, Oxford 2012Â