Cardinal Piacenza Refutes the Notion of Opposition Between Doctrine and Pastoral Practice

Torch of The Faith News on Monday 23 February 2015 - 11:50:01 | by admin

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Penitentiary Major of the Apostolic Penitentiary in Rome, has also refuted the modernistic attempts being made to sunder pastoral practice from doctrine.

LifeSiteNews reports that His Eminence travelled to Germany last month to give an address to an audience of priests. The presentation, which drew on the words of the Psalms, was entitled Mercy and Truth Shall Meet.

During his address, the Cardinal pointed out that mercy and truth can never be separated, and certainly never set in opposition to each other. His Eminence clearly denied the faulty hypothesis which seeks to ignore the Church's doctrinal and moral teachings in the name of mercy and pastoral practice.

Cardinal Piacenza used his speech to draw attention to the Sacrament of Reconciliation as, ''that supreme encounter with the mercy offered by God to man and the truth about man and his relationship with God that he is called to recognize.''

It is heartening to hear of another high-ranking prelate speaking up to defend the true teachings of the Church on marriage and confession. 

The attacks from within the Church on these central mysteries of the Faith, and the confusion and discouragement such attacks have brought to millions throughout the world are themselves matters for confession. We pray that during this holy season of Lent, those unsettling the faith of many will consider the direction they have taken, repent and strengthen their brethren with a clear and unambiguous affirmation of the constant teaching of the Church's Magisterium.   

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