Cardinal Robert Sarah Appointed Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Torch of The Faith News on Monday 24 November 2014 - 16:29:15 | by admin

Cardinal Robert Sarah from Guinea has been appointed by Pope Francis as the new Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.

The appointment of His Eminence is heartening because Vatican observers suggest that he has a traditional approach to the Sacred Liturgy. He has also encouraged many Catholics because of his consistently strong defence of the true teachings and practice of the Catholic Church in the fields of evangelization, charitable outreach and sexual morality.

During the turmoil surrounding the mid-term Relatio document at the recent Synod on the Family, Cardinal Sarah affirmed that, whilst the Church does not judge people who suffer with same-sex attraction, 'homosexual behaviour and homosexual unions are grave deviations of sexuality.' He explained: 'Based on the Sacred Scriptures, the Tradition of the Church has always stated that the acts of homosexuality are intrinsically disordered, since they are against the Natural Law, and preclude the gift of life. They cannot be approved in any case.' His Eminence described the push for homosexual unions as 'part of a new ideology of evil.' He also called for the report to be made explicitly Christocentric.

In 2011, the cardinal gave an address to seminarians, at the Community of St. Martin, in which he reminded the future priests: 'If we have fear of proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, if we are ashamed of denouncing the grave deviations in the area of morality, if we accommodate ourselves to this world of moral laxity and religious and ethical relativism, if we are afraid to energetically denounce the abominable laws regarding the new global ethos, regarding marriage, the family in all its forms, abortion, laws in total opposition to the laws of nature and of God, and that the Western nations and cultures are promoting and imposing thanks to the mass media and their economic power, then the prophetic words of Ezekiel will fall on us as a grave divine reproach.'

In his previous role as prefect of Cor Unum, Cardinal Sarah has also consistently reminded Catholic charities to avoid 'silent apostasy,' and that they have a duty to give not merely humanitarian and philanthropic assistance but the fullness of truth about God.

This appointment looks very positive. Please pray for Cardinal Sarah as he prepares to take up his new post.

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