Threat of closure for UK faith-schools if they do not promote homosexualist ideology

Torch of The Faith News on Tuesday 04 November 2014 - 13:08:04 | by admin

Nicky Morgan, UK Secretary of State for Education.

SPUC's Safe at School campaign and LifeSiteNews have today drawn attention to new rules from the schools inspectorate Oftsted, which would punish schools deemed to be 'intolerant' of homosexuality. Such punishment could even include school closures.

Nicky Morgan, the Secretary of State for Education, backed the new rules in last weekend's edition of The Sunday Times. Her comments provide a crystal clear example of the relativist dictatorship currently dominating Western society: 'Schools should broaden horizons, not close minds, and should encourage pupils to respect other people even if they do not agree with them. I should have thought this was a principle with which the vast majority of people would agree.'

It is revealing that the Education Secretary wishes to promote - what she sees - as broader horizons, open minds and respect for those with different views, by suppressing the liberties, rights and freedom of speech of those who will not conform to her own worldview. Let it also be remembered that those promoting the homosexualist agenda represent an absolute minority in society who happen to have financial, political and media backing out of all proportion to their true numbers. The vast majority of people do not agree with the promotion of homosexualist ideology to children, but many are cowed into silence because of the new culture of fear which, promoted through powerful media interests, descended on our society in relation to these issues during the last decade.

This represents only the latest in a series of attacks on the Natural and Divine Law in the field of education here in the UK. Sadly, for the most part, the bishops in England and Wales have not only failed to put up a resistance to these attacks but have actively colluded with them via their so-called Catholic Education Service. The CES, with the support of Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon has colluded with the anti-life/anti-family agenda being set by the British Government and those controlling it. Indeed the CES even has former MP Greg Pope, a man with a consistently anti-life voting record, in a position of management. It is no coincidence either that Ed Balls, former Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families has been a frequent attendee of the Bilderberg conference. Under Oonagh Stannard, the CES was involved with Mr. Balls in the drafting of 'sex-education' guidelines, which contradicted authentic Catholic teaching, during 2010. Catholic education has been gradually brought into line with the atheistic policies of a globalist system of control. It is therefore unlikely that much will be done to defend Catholic schools - and even more importantly the students attending them - from this latest threat. Cardinal Nichols' recent pastoral letter to the Archdiocese of Westminster only underscores this lamentable fact.

Many Catholic governors and teachers have likely never even heard of teaching documents like the Pontifical Congregation for the Family's The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality or Pope Paul VI's Gravissimum Educationis, much less Pope Pius XI's Divini Illuis Magistri. As such, without firm and orthodox episcopal leadership they will have little understanding or will to go against the new zeitgeist.

Antonia Tully of Safe at School has recently warned of a programme called CHIPS - Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools. This tax-payer funded scheme has been introduced without parental consultation. It includes getting six and seven-year old children to design a dress for a 'princess boy', getting little girls of six to role play lesbian mothers and showing children of ten to eleven years of age a video of a 'transgender' six year old.

This gives a flavour of the kind of material deemed to be appropriate for even primary schools. We can then see how grave this threat to schools is. Of the new Ofsted rules now threatening schools in the UK, Antonia Tully has stated: 'It is quite clear that the new rules for schools actively to promote so-called 'British values' are all about indoctrinating children with a homosexual ideology. The prospect that schools will have to champion homosexuality or risk being downgraded by Ofsted strips all parents of their right to educate their own children about sexual morality... Nicky Morgan's zeal to further the gay agenda is undermining every parent in the country.'

Please pray for othodox bishops, priests, governors and teachers to stand and be counted and for parents and children to be protected from this latest affront to Natural and Divine Law.       

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