Please Sponsor GK Chesterton Pilgrimage to Raise Funds for Good Counsel Network

Torch of The Faith News on Friday 30 May 2014 - 11:46:05 | by admin

Our friend at the GK Chesterton Society will be walking in the 4th annual GK Chesterton Walking Pilgrimage to raise funds for the Good Counsel Network.

He writes: 'On the 30th July on the GK pilgrimage I will raise money to support the Good Counsel Network, which really is at the frontline of Pro-Life work, they don't just talk about it. They really do reach out to women in desperate circumstances and offer them the help they need so that they can continue their pregnancies. Sponsor me on this arduous one day approximately 27 mile walk and you really will be directly helping mothers and babies. None of the money raised will go towards the expenses of the pilgrimage.'

Having spent time with these good people in London and at Walsingham we can vouch for the truth of these words. The work of the Network has also increased in recent times, with even more babies being saved. Whilst this is great news, it also means that the Network urgently needs more funds to keep saving the babies and their mothers. Staff at Good Counsel Network offer their time and their work to Jesus through Mary.
For anyone also wishing to join the walk, the programme is as follows:-

Meet at 8.00am on 30th July 2014 outside St. George's C of E, Aubrey Walk, London, W8 7JG, where GKC was baptized as a baby. Walk (approx 15 miles) to Uxbridge.

1.30pm Old Rite Mass (thanks to support from the Latin Mass Society) at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Michael, Osborne Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1UE. This Mass will be offered in thanksgiving for GKC's conversion (which took place 91 years ago to the date of the pilgrimage).

(Bring and eat packed lunch).

Then walk on (approx 12 miles) to Beaconsfield, where Chesterton lived, converted, died and is buried. At his graveside, the prayer for the beatification of GK Chesterton will be prayed. 

More details for sponsoring Stuart can be found at Stuart's progress can also be followed on the day via Twitter @stuart1927 and #GKCWalk

If you go along for the day, you might even get to see one of those trendy, red 'Che' T-Shirts...

... 'Che'-sterton, that is!

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