This is what sin does to Love! This is why we must all stop offending God, repent and be converted. This is why we have stood up to resist bad shepherds who promote heresies, the corruption of schoolchildren, sacrilegious Holy Communions, adultery, homosexuality, false religions and the dismemberment of the Church. Though perhaps, by nature, we would much rather had been silent and had a quiet life, this is why we were not so. In the end, it was a matter of love; for, as St. Francis of Assisi lamented: Love is not loved!
A Meditation by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
O my dear Redeemer! Well do I recognize in these Thy wounds, and in Thy lacerated body, as it were through so many lattices, the tender affection which Thou dost retain for me.
Since, then, in order to pardon me, Thou hast not pardoned Thyself, oh, look upon me now with the same love wherewith Thou didst one day look upon me from the Cross, whilst Thou wert dying for me. Look upon me and enlighten me, and draw my whole heart to Thyself, that so, from this day forth, I may love none else but Thee.
Let me not ever be unmindful of Thy death. Thou didst promise that, when raised up upon the Cross, Thou wouldst draw all our hearts to Thee. Behold this heart of mine, which, made tender by Thy death, and enamoured of Thee, desires to offer no further resistance to Thy calls. Oh, do Thou draw it to Thyself, and make it all Thine own.
Thou hast died for me, and I desire to die for Thee; and if I continue to live, I will live for Thee alone. O pains of Jesus, O ignominies of Jesus, O death of Jesus, O love of Jesus! Fix yourselves within my heart, and let the remembrance of you abide there always, to be continually smiting me, and inflaming me with love.
I love Thee, O infinite goodness; I love Thee, O infinite love. Thou art and shalt ever be, my one and only love. O Mary, Mother of Love, do thou obtain me love.
Our Lady of Sorrows - Pray for us!