Gaudete Sunday - 2016

Torch of The Faith News on Sunday 11 December 2016 - 12:19:59 | by admin

The name Gaudete for this third Sunday of Advent is taken from the opening word of the Introit prayer: ''Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say rejoice'' (Phil:4). The Catholic Church thus bids us rejoice today, because the coming of the Lord is nigh. Christian joy does not mean we walk around looking foolishly smug. Neither does it mean that we will not suffer. It means that, even in the midst of the most grave trials for the Church and ourselves, we are invited to trust in the Lord and His ultimate victory over evil. In this way, we will be able to have true and authentic joy in Him.

In the Traditional Liturgy, relics and flowers are placed on the altar, and the organ played today; these things being omitted during the rest of Advent to keep our prayerful gaze on Our Lady and the Coming of Christ in Her Womb. Rose vestments are also worn to denote the special joy of today's celebration.
The Jesuit priest Fr. Joseph Rickaby lived from 1845-1932. He was friendly with the famous Jesuit poet Fr. Gerard Manley Hopkins; indeed they were ordained to the sacred priesthood on the same day. Fr. Rickaby wrote a helpful reflection on authentic Christian joy. As it relates to today's theme, it is reproduced below for the edification of our readers.

The Higher Order of Christian Happiness

Give yourself over to God: ever put Him first in your desires; and then, come what may, ever be cheerful. You will have temptations against cheerfulness, plenty of them, as also against purity. St. John Chrysostom says that you should resist the one temptation as you resist the other.

They then deserve ill of religion, and do the Church great disservice, who bring on over the minds of good people clouds of gloomy and distressing thoughts of God and the ways of God.

The world is full of troubles: Religion is not meant to add to your troubles, but to lighten them. Religion is to give rest to our souls (Matthew xi. 29, 30). Oh, how many more souls we should win to Christ if this doctrine of cheerfulness were more resolutely preached! Those preachers and spiritual writers who set the Gospel in an unamiable light will have much to answer for.

Christ our Saviour's permanent offer to mankind through His Church is an offer, not only of eternal, but of temporal happiness also. It is an offer to the individual and an offer to society...
Of course, there is the doctrine of the Cross, the fundamental doctrine of Christianity. The Cross does not abolish suffering, but transforms it, sanctifies it, makes it fruitful, bearable, even joyful, and finally victorious.

The happiness of the Christian is of a higher order than pleasure and enjoyment and comfort and ease. The cheerfulness of the Christian is the cheerfulness of the soldier in action in a Cause that he is enthusiastic for, and under a Leader in Whom he is fully confident.

Fr. Joseph Rickaby (S.J.) - (1845-1932).

We pray that our readers will receive many graces and blessings towards their eternal salvation on this Gaudete Sunday!

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