The Tina Beattie Scandal Just Got Worse - and Became Local

Torch of The Faith News on Saturday 30 April 2016 - 17:27:25 | by admin

We have just learned that Tina Beattie used a secretive Facebook page to coordinate that letter, which was sent to the Polish Bishops calling for the fallacy of ''early, safe and legal'' abortion in their country.

In addition to this, we have now also discovered that the letter was signed by a number of so-called ''Catholics'' in the UK.

Amongst these signatories, are also the names of two people from the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

These are Sr. Mary Rose Fitzsimmons HHS and Claire Ball.

Both of these people are publicly operative in the parishes of St. Agnes and St. Aidan in Huyton.

Sr. Mary Rose Fitzsimmons has described herself on the letter as a ''Spiritual Director and Pastoral Worker'' in Liverpool.

Claire Ball has described herself on the letter as a ''religious education teacher'' in Liverpool.

If this last name seems familiar, it may be because, on 23rd February 2014, we had commented at the excellent Protect the Pope website that Claire Ball was the ''parish pastoral assistant'' at St. Agnes in Huyton; and that she was publicly named as the parish contact for the dissenting group A Call to Action (ACTA) in Liverpool. Five days prior to our comment, ACTA had held a meeting in the parish room at St. Agnes.

We had contacted the auxiliary bishop 3 times to warn him about this (at that time, there was still no Archbishop), and about the fact that the parish was also holding regular ''Yoga'' meetings, with no reply forthcoming.

It is now just over 7 weeks since we raised awareness about Ms. Carrie Morrow bringing in a homosexualist drama-group to present a play about two princes ''getting married'' to the young children in her care at Sacred Heart School in Atherton. She had also got them to design ''Gay Pride'' posters for the ''Wigan Pride'' event. Since then, some 6,777 people have signed a CitizenGo petition asking for Liverpool's Archbishop Malcolm McMahon to intervene for the defence of the Catholic Faith, childhood innocence and parental rights. As yet, there has still been no public response from His Grace or from any of the priests or teachers in the Archdiocese.

And now, yet another grave scandal is erupting within the Archdiocese with the news that a ''Catholic'' religious sister and RE teacher have signed this letter supporting abortion in Poland.

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon must act in order to defend the lives of the unborn, call these public dissenters to repentance and protect Catholics and others from this next wave of grave public scandal. As with Tina Beattie, these local dissenters must be forbidden from receiving Holy Communion, and from teaching in any official capacity, until they have publicly repented of the public scandal of calling for a law which would aid the destruction of human babies in utero.

It is hard not to see a connection between the growing boldness of dissenters connected to ACTA and His Grace's scandal-giving public welcome to them in October 2014. In all politeness, we must say that the bishops need to get orthodox and man-up.

Please contact Archbishop Malcom McMahon and ask him to take urgent corrective action. Remember these public Catholic ''educators'' have just publicly called for nothing less than the legalization of the abortion of babies. In secular business, employees who publicly dissent from the rules and ideals of their employer would face rapid and robust disciplinary action. It is much more necessary to take such action in the Church when souls are at stake.

There is a CitizenGo petition asking CAFOD to remove Tina Beattie from their Theological Reference Group. We urge you to add your name to that petition's 4,487 signatures. Also, if you have not yet signed the petition about the homosexualist agenda at Sacred Heart School in Atherton, then please do that while you are there! (It is on the 4th page at CitizenGo).

And He said to His disciples: It is impossible that scandals should not come: but woe to him through whom they come (Luke 17:1).

St. Agnes and St. Aidan - Pray for us!     

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