Please Continue to Pray for the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Torch of The Faith News on Thursday 20 August 2015 - 11:48:32 | by admin

Auxiliary Bishop Tom Williams of Liverpool

Like most people from Liverpool, we were deeply saddened to hear of the recent death of one of the city's most beloved daughters, Cilla Black. We well remember watching her on telly as youngsters; and also seeing her mum, Mrs. Priscilla White, sitting near to us on the bus along Scotland Road (''Scottie''), back in the 1980's. We ask you to pray with us for Cilla Black's immortal soul; and for her family and friends to be comforted in their grief.

It is primarily up to the bishops and priests of the Roman Catholic Church to ensure that: God is honoured by reverently offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the rubrics; that people are helped to make worthy Communions and to understand the teachings about reception - and non-reception - of Holy Communion; and that people are aided in their grief by being given both the full beauty of the Sacred Liturgy and the full truth of the teachings of the Church.

By their actions, bishops must never undermine priests who are trying to uphold the Church's law and disciplines. Bishops and priests also have a duty to protect the faithful from scandal and to ensure that non-Catholics receive a true impression of the beliefs and practices of the Church. For all of these things, and for the souls in their care, bishops and priests will have to give an account before God at the end of their lives. Clearly, they need our prayers.

At 1.00pm today, Auxiliary Bishop Tom Williams will offer the Requiem Mass for Cilla Black, at St. Mary's Church in Woolton.

The 'Order of Service' for this Mass has been made public via the website of the BBC. From this the general public are told that, after the entrance hymn and 'greeting' by Bishop Williams, there will be 'opening words and musical tribute' in the form of Sir Cliff Richard singing Faithful One.

In the Liturgy of the Word, the first reading from Sacred Scripture is replaced with a recitation, by Cilla's son Robert, of Henry Scott Holland's secular poem, Death is Nothing at All.

The Second Reading, from the Book of Wisdom, will be delivered by the famous TV celebrity, and 'gay pride' promoter, Christopher Biggins. Mr. Biggins is publicly known to have contracted a homosexual 'civil partnership' with another man.

During the Communion Rite, Cilla Black's Anyone Who Had a Heart will be played as 'Communion Music'.

After Holy Communion, Cilla's son Ben will read It was Beautiful While it Lasted, from Rabindranath Tagore.

There will then be a 'Final Tribute' from Cilla's friend Paul O'Grady. Mr. O'Grady is perhaps more widely known around the world for his risque, drag queen act as 'Lily Savage' - and for the fact that he used to attend gay clubs in London with Cilla Black. He is also a patron of the Peter Tatchell Foundation.

The 'recessional music' at the end of the funeral is taken from The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles.

We know from personal experience that there are many funerals in the Archdiocese of Liverpool where the Catholic Faith is not being expressed in the following of rubrics or in the content of homilies. We also know from personal experience that there are clerics in the Archdiocese of Liverpool who have told lapsed Catholics the cruel lie that they can go to Holy Communion at funerals, without first going to Confession.

Nobody wants to speak or write critically at a time of grief or mourning. However, love for Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and for souls requires that the truth be upheld. It is often forgotten today that one of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to correct those in error.

All observers and attendees at Catholic funerals have the right to receive the full beauty and truth of Catholic Liturgy and Teaching. They also need to know that one must be in the state of grace to receive Holy Communion worthily. In Catholic teaching, it remains a grave public scandal for those who are living in and/or publicly promoting objectively sinful practices to take a prominent part in the Sacred Liturgy. Public scandal would only be increased if such persons were to be given Holy Communion without repentance. 

As we say in the title for this piece, please continue to pray for the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Please also pray for the immortal soul of Cilla Black and for her family and friends at this time of grief. May they find the peace which only the fullness of Christ's Truth can impart.

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