The Scale of Abortion in Post-Modern Britain - SPUC's Infographic Tells It How It Is

Torch of The Faith News on Wednesday 29 July 2015 - 13:07:58 | by admin

SPUC has sent out this infographic which clearly depicts the frightful scale of abortion in post-modern Britain (based on the very similar abortion figures from 2013).

The latest Government figures, which were released in June, report that 190,092 innocent babies were killed by 'legal' abortion in England and Wales during 2014.

In Scotland, a further 11,475 babies were destroyed.

This means that the 2014 abortion total for England, Scotland and Wales combined was 201,567.

The British Abortion Act has now led to the slaughter of over 8,300,000 babies in the wombs of their mothers.

And, let us not forget, these figures do not take into account the newly conceived babies killed by abortifacient pills and devices, the thousands destroyed during the IVF process, or those split apart by subsequent embryo experimentation.

Although the most recent figures, since the infographic's 202,577, have thankfully dropped by 1,010 babies during the year - that is around three little babies each day - SPUC explains that the 2014 abortion rate, of 15.9 abortions per thousand resident women, is actually DOUBLE what it was in 1970. This basically means that the prospects for a baby to survive in the womb in contemporary Britain are twice as bad as they were back then.

We cannot help but think that this is the kind of clear and expressive infographic, and associated data, which should be highlighted during the annual Day for Life.

If we see this information and do nothing to spread it, or to help save the lives of babies through supporting true pro-life work, then we are no better than those who turned a blind eye to the mass-extermination in places like Auschwitz. It is 70 years this year since that death-camp was liberated. The question we must each face is: What have we learned?     

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