''Detroit turned out to be Heaven... It also turned out to be Hell'' (Marvin Gaye) - Please Pray to Our Lady!

Torch of The Faith News on Tuesday 28 July 2015 - 13:03:12 | by admin

Time was when this was the kind of metal sculpture drawing the crowds in downtown Detroit. At its peak, the sprawling 'motor-city' was home to nearly 2-million people, as the automobile and armaments industries crafted and churned out vast quantities of metal and machinery.

In recent decades, the collapse of Detroit's automotive industry, and of the city's infrastructure and social order, has been dramatic enough to gain the decaying metropolis the nickname 'Carpocalypse'. Whilst the city has successfully filed for bankruptcy, and the crime rate continues to soar to record levels, the population has dropped to around 700,000. Photographs of Detroit's abandoned churches, houses and factories have become a genre all of their own.

Please pray the Holy Michael Prayer before reading further.

Nothing could illustrate the demise of Detroit, and of America by association, more clearly than the unveiling of an 8.5-ft statue of the Devil; in the guise of the Baphomet, adorned with a pentagram, sat on a throne, and flanked by two young and adoring children, in the city on Sunday evening. (We will not show the actual images of the evil statue here). Although attendance at the 'event' would have cost $25 per head - $75 for those who wanted to have their photograph taken sitting on the lap of the devil - several hundred people queued up to attend. Mainstream media are suggesting that around 700 attended the event.  

It was Sunday, the Day of Christ's Resurrection, and also the eve of the feast of St. Anne, the patroness of Detroit.

The 'Satanic Temple' described the event as ''the largest public satanic ceremony in history'' and as a ''night of chaos, noise and debauchery.''

A Traditional Latin Mass, followed by a Holy Hour of Reparation, were held at Detroit's historical St. Joseph's Church to counter the event and to pray for the city.

We hear that a group from Church Militant TV also tried to counter the event by driving a large statue of Holy Michael the Archangel, mounted on the back of a pick-up truck, around the venue and praying the Rosary through a microphone. A witness from this team managed to infiltrate the event - surely a spiritually and physically dangerous thing to do - and stated that the venue contained an upside-down cross and that participants were committing homosexual acts before the vile statue.

This news comes in a period when many commentators are describing America's decline in terms of a new Babylon.

Last year there was that terrible Black Mass in Oklahoma.

Recent headlines suggest that Planned Parenthood are not only selling body parts from aborted babies, but perhaps making $23 million, per annum, from this evil practice. Those two videos of frighteningly cold-hearted Planned Parenthood employees, being caught out making murderous deals in restaurants, have recently gone viral; and revealed to the world even more of the darkness of that whole global empire of impurity and mass-baby-slaughter.

Then there is the recent SCOTUS 'decision' forcing homosexual 'marriage' on the whole country; the revelation that Iowa and Illinois will be bringing in graphic homosexuality 'education' into public schools this autumn; the ongoing state persecution of Catholic institutions, such as the Little Sisters of the Poor, who do not want to take part in the evil aspects of the HHS Mandate; the man who is suing Zondervan Publishing for printing Bibles which still contain the injunctions against homosexual practices; and the announcement that the Boy Scouts in America will soon be allowing homosexual leaders.
Cadillac Ranch: 10 classic Caddys up-ended in a clay field near Amarillo, Texas - a symbol of American decadence and decline.

There are some Catholics trying to dismiss Sunday's events in Detroit as just some immature humanists trying to prove a point. Instead of Cadillacs, such people are burying their heads in the sand. In reality, the public acceptance and even worship of the devil should be waking up all people to the grave state, and stage in history, that our society has now entered into.

Remember that bi-centennial talk which, the then, Cardinal Karol Wotyla gave in America in 1976? He stated: ''We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society, or wide circles of the Christian community, realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel... We must be prepared to undergo great trials, in the not-too-distant future; trials that will require us to be ready to give up even our lives, and a total gift of self to Christ and for Christ.'' 

On the very day that the evil travesty took place in Detroit, the Archdiocese of New York was closing down dozens of churches, including some beautiful and historical gems, due to falling Mass-attendance and revenues. This gives an existential symbol of the fact that the Church is in retreat on important fronts, whilst evil is being allowed to advance. Many are wondering: Will Pope Francis speak on any of these things when he visits the US in a few weeks? A man, described as a life-long Catholic, phoned into Rush Limbaugh's show a few days ago and wondered why Pope Francis was speaking up so much about the environment, whilst seeming to be so silent about the Planned Parenthood revelations.
We know that evil will not, in the end, have the final word. In the short term, as evil flourishes in many places, we must draw close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Our Blessed Lady.

The final victory will assuredly be theirs: We know from Sacred Scripture and Tradition that Our Lady will ultimately crush the head of the serpent. May God give all of us the grace to never forget this beautiful truth.

Here is a prayer to help readers each day. It was given an indulgence by Pope St. Pius X in 1908.

Remedy against the ''Spirit of Darkness'' and the forces of hate and fear.

August Queen of the Heavens, sovereign Mistress of the Angels, You who from the beginning received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly ask You to send Your holy Legions so that under Your command and by Your power, they may pursue the demons and combat them everywhere, suppress their boldness and drive them back into the abyss.

Who is like God?

O good and tender Mother, You will always be our love and our hope!

O divine Mother, send the Holy Angels to defend me and to drive far away from me the cruel enemy.

Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us and guard us.


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