The Apostasy Deepens as Archbishop Malcolm McMahon Welcomes Dissenting 'A Call to Action' Conference to the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Torch of The Faith News on Friday 24 October 2014 - 23:26:35 | by admin

You will remember that we had a few things to say earlier this year about the dissenting group A Call to Action (ACTA). Deacon Nick Donnelly consistently exposed their dissent from the Magisterium with his articulate and orthodox Catholic blog Protect the Pope. In this he stood out as a pastor of souls.

During the year we had pondered writing to the new Archbishop of Liverpool to alert him to the fact that ACTA would be hosting its annual conference at Liverpool Hope University this weekend. (We had earlier written a few e-mails to the auxiliary Bishop Tom Williams, but we never received a reply).

Anyway, it seems that the Apostasy through which we are all living is deepening its pervasive hold. ACTA have actually been welcomed to the Archdiocese with the following message from Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. Yes, you read that correctly. Here are his words:-

'As a new arrival myself, I take great pleasure in welcoming you all to the Archdiocese of Liverpool, and to this ecumenical beacon of hope that is this chapel, and this university. I pray that your continued commitment to the well-being of our church, in finding new pathways to dialogue and service, and promoting the joy of the gospel, will be a source of strength and encouragement, at this time of challenge and opportunity. May you have a fruitful, creative and joyful day.

God bless you all, 
+ Malcolm
Archbishop of Liverpool

We are shocked though not surprised by this development. You will recall that Terry Duffy, the Co-ordinator for ACTA in Liverpool, spoke on Radio Lancashire in March about an article which we had written for the Protect the Pope website. During the interview, Mr. Duffy stated that ACTA did not see it as at all corrosive that ACTA was campaigning for same-sex 'marriage' or women priests.  

And a brief word about that chapel which Archbishop McMahon describes as 'an ecumenical beacon of hope'. It has two tabernacles on a shared shelf; one for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament and one for the bread of the Anglicans. Does no-one love Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament anymore? If they do, how can they tolerate and promote this sacrilegious indifference? During the Reformation, priests ministering in Lancashire were hung, drawn and quartered rather than go along with such apostasy. A few years ago, a friend of ours attended a Catholic conference there and was confused as to where he should genuflect. When he asked a Catholic lady which was the 'Catholic tabernacle', she suggested that this no longer mattered.

Dear readers, with this latest development we see that the Apostasy deepens and takes hold. That the dissenters in ACTA have gained confidence from the battles at the Rome Synod is clear from their agenda for this weekend in Liverpool. For example, Fr. Timothy Buckley CSSR will lead a session entitled Remarriage and the Eucharist - After the Synod. (It is important to remember that the Kasper thesis has not been approved by the Synod and that it contradicts 2,000 years of Church teaching).

It is difficult to see how Archbishop McMahon could understand that an organization promoting dissent from the Magisterium over homosexual 'marriage', contraception and women priests could be in any way continuing to contribute to the well-being of the Church. But then he did appoint the infamous dissenter Greg Pope to the 'Catholic' Education Service; a former MP who had signed a parliamentary motion praising a condom manufacturer for helping schools to promote 'National Condom Week' and another praising international and domestic pro-abortion organizations. As an MP, he also voted in an anti-life manner a few times. But look, we've said all this a number of times before.

The Diabolical Disorientation, which Sr. Lucia of Fatima warned about, is deepening.     Â