The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men...

Torch of The Faith News on Wednesday 24 September 2008 - 21:57:37 | by admin

fully.jpgWe were meant to be up in Preston today helping Fr. John Delaney OFM Cap. at the University of Lancashire Catholic Chaplaincy. However, our best laid plans were put asunder by us both catching a nasty throat infection.

So, I decided to use the enforced bed rest wisely and catch up on some 'Fully'! The late, great Archbishop of Rochester, New York is eminently quotable. Here are a few classics from Way to Happiness;

On tolerance -

There are some people who love to boast of their tolerance, but actually it is inspired by egotism; they want to be left alone in their own ideas, however wrong they may be, so they plead for a tolerance of other people's ideas. But this kind of tolerance is very dangerous, for it becomes intolerance as soon as the ego is disturbed or menaced. That is why a civilization which is tolerant about false ideas is on the eve of a great wave of intolerance and persecution. (p.69)

On Person and State

The family... is a potent reminder of the most important of all political principals: the state exists for the person, and not the person for the state. (p.76)

On Education

Without education of the mind a child could be a stupid devil. With education of the mind, but without love of goodness, a child could grow up to be a clever devil. (p.89) 

That book is the best 5 quid I've ever spent!!! Let us pray that dear old 'Fully' will one day be raised to the altars.