Anno Domini 2017 - Restore All Things in Christ!

Torch of The Faith News on Sunday 01 January 2017 - 10:53:02 | by admin


Instaurare Omnia in Christo

Let us begin this New Year of 2017 in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. We have been reflecting this morning on St. Paul's call to ''restore all things in Christ'' (Ephesians 1:10). It was an ideal that Pope St. Pius X so clearly made his own during the days of his great pontificate. Let us make it our own motto for the new year that is now opening out to us like a grand vista of opportunity.

On this day each year, we also recall those important words in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which remind us that, ''Jesus Christ is the Lord of the cosmos and of history. In Him, human history and indeed all creation are 'set forth' and transcendently fulfilled'' (CCC 668).

As we recall each year on this day, it is well worth posting those words up somewhere in one's home to provide a daily reminder of this good news for the times when things get particularly tough.

Feast Day

Today is the Octave Day of Christmas, upon which the Traditional Calendar honours the Circumcision of Our Lord. From ancient times, the Church already celebrated certain aspects of the Nativity on this day: It marks a special day of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in honour of Her Motherhood; it also celebrates the anniversary of the Circumcision, when the divine Infant submitted to the rite which demonstrated the reality of His human nature, and shed His blood for the first time; thirdly, it was also the Name-day of Our Lord, when He was called Jesus, the Name told by the Angel at the Annunciation.

We wish all of our readers a Happy and Holy 2017!

As we embark on the adventure of 2017, we wish all of our readers, new and old, every blessing in Jesus Christ and in Mary, the great Mother of God. May this be a year in which we all receive many graces and blessings, experience a deeper conversion to Christ and grow towards holiness and true charity.
With love to you all from Alan, Angeline and Alan's mum Doreen xxx.
Thank you so much for your readership and prayers. Happy New Year!