Better to Lose a Red Hat than to Lose Your Soul

Torch of The Faith News on Tuesday 29 November 2016 - 15:24:27 | by admin

Sharin' the mercy with Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto: It kind of makes you think of Dusty Springfield singing, The Look of Love is in Your Eyes! Then again, maybe not...

Rorate Caeli has tweeted that Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto, Dean of the Roman Rota, suggested at a conference in Spain that the 4 courageous cardinals ''could lose their Cardinalate for making the Dubia to Francis public''.

Indeed, following Bishop Papamanolis' recent letter, Infocatolica reports that the monsignor vigorously claimed that the 4 cardinals had even commited a grave scandal.

So much for dialogue, freedom and mercy, hey! And what about that whole ''nobody can be condemned forever'' thing? Or does that only work for mass-murdering Communists, sexual deviants and heretical prelates?

The only grave scandals we can see here Monsignor, are that heresy and sacrilege are being promoted, that most people are silent in the face of it and that anyone who dares to raise their head and question this status quo - however politely they do this - is getting shot at by supposed men of the Church. When you speak like this, you just come across as a bunch of Modernist bullies. Or worse. All your talk about love and mercy just disappears. None of these actions or words express an authentic Catholic witness.

All we can say is that it would be better to lose a red hat and cardinals' privileges than to lose one's immortal soul.

Quite honestly, these guys show everyone who they really are by trying to run down the Church like some kind of bankrupt banana republic.

Receiving a red hat is not what it once was anyway; as the last consistory amply demonstrated, they are now even being awarded to Modernist traitors against Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Some men make the College of Cardinals seem more like a contemporary Sanhedrin. They act more like Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor than honest princes of the Church. They shall have to answer to God for attempting to usurp His authority. 

There are a number of prelates who are gaining red hats and all manner of worldy glory, whilst at the same time incurring the wrath of God for publicly promoting heresy and sacrilege in their dioceses and throughout the Church.

Such men may get to wear ecclesiatical red or purple in these days when evil is somehow being presented as good, and good as being somehow evil, but they endanger the salvation of their own souls and the souls of all who would follow them into Hell.

Only this morning, we read at LifeSiteNews that Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego is encouraging heresy and sacrilege in his own diocese. Someone needs to remind him of the teaching of the Council of Trent which excommunicates those who persist in publicly teaching the acceptance of sacrilegious Holy Communions.

May none of us forget that it is not wearing red that makes one holy. That cardinals' red is merely a symbol, though an important one, to remind the College of Cardinals of the commitment to shed their own blood for Christ. The irony is that it is only the 4 cardinals who are presently doing this metaphorically. Well, they can continue doing that with or without red silk accroutrements. It may be that the black of mourning is a more appropriate colour for times when the enemy has so thoroughly infiltrated the Church. If these good men lose their red hats, the symbolism will be that much more rich in their cases. Plus, they will please Our Lord the more. If they remain faithful, they simply cannot lose.

To any bishops or priests who read this, please take note that it should not have been left to the laymen to talk like this. Why is there so little zeal for Christ and His rights? Why so little active - as opposed to theoretical - love for the Church? Why do you leave us like lone voices crying in the wilderness? 

May God have mercy on us all!  

Mark 9:47: And if thy eye scandalize thee, pluck it out. It is better for thee with one eye to enter the kingdom of God, than having two eyes be cast into the Hell of fire. Â