Reparation and Correction are Needed for the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Torch of The Faith News on Wednesday 26 August 2015 - 14:51:56 | by admin

Yesterday's opening paragraph must not be taken as an approval of homosexual acts or pairings, but as evidence that we are acting and speaking out of a charitable motivation. Our articles here aim to uphold God's honour, the good of the Catholic Church and the salvation of souls.

The Liverpolitanus blog has now posted up a third article, relating to the events which happened before and during Cilla Black's funeral in St. Mary's, Woolton, last week. We ask that readers join us in praying an ''Eternal Rest'' for Cilla Black at this point.  
Liverpolitanus - Catholic Tradition Matters around Liverpool (ish)

As with all the postings at that site, the latest article presents another thoroughly researched and clearly articulated piece of work. We meant to mention yesterday, that we have added a new link button to the Liverpolitanus blog at our Links Page. We highly recommend that readers visit that site to benefit from an in-depth critique of recent events in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. It is hard to see how any Catholics could remain unmoved, or even silent, after reading the evidence that Liverpolitanus has carefully mustered together, nor by the site's call for an Act of Reparation to be made. This last call is made the more urgent in light of some shocking new evidence that Liverpolitanus has unearthed.

And yet, whilst many scandalized Catholics chatter unhappily together about these important issues, silence appears to remain the dominant response in many, if not most, quarters. It is a real measure of the present climate in the Church and society.

Fitting the pieces of the jigsaw

We've had one of those moments of clarity this week; like when you suddenly see how various pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fit together to make a bigger picture.
Sad to relate, this has left us with the very opposite to a feeling of elation. Allow us to explain.

Regular readers might remember that, a couple of times during 2014, we had contacted Auxiliary Bishop Tom Williams. We were trying to warn him about the spread of the dissenting movement, known as A Call to Action (ACTA), in and around the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Such readers might also recall that we received no response at all from His Lordship.

Not one shining dime.

These were the days when the Archdiocese was awaiting the appointment of a new Archbishop. Around that time, Terry Duffy, the then co-ordinator for ACTA in Liverpool, spoke on Radio Lancashire, about an article that we had written for the Protect the Pope website. In light of, what we had described and given evidence as 'institutional dissent', we had used our article to call for the appointment of a strong and orthodox new Archbishop. During his radio interview, Mr. Duffy stated that ACTA did not see it as at all corrosive that ACTA was campaigning for 'same-sex-marriage' or women 'priests'.

On 24th October 2014, we reported that the recently appointed Archbishop Malcolm McMahon had left us shocked, though sadly not surprised, when he publicly welcomed the dissenting ACTA movement to Liverpool, for its annual conference.

On that date, we reported that Fr. Timothy Buckley (CSSR) was to hold a session at the ACTA conference, rather pre-emptively entitled Remarriage and the Eucharist - After the Synod. At that time, we noted that the Kasperian thesis could not be approved by the Synod as it contradicted 2,000 years of Sacred Scripture and Tradition. From newsletters and on-line updates, it is clear that Fr. Timothy Buckley has been rather active in promoting ACTA in the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

Last week Auxiliary Bishop Tom Williams - who failed to return our communications about ACTA - concelebrated the Requiem Mass with the parish priest of Woolton; the very same Fr. Timothy Buckley CSSR who has been so prominent in the promotion of ACTA locally.

Here things get a little interesting.

Another bit of the picture

We need to review one other issue before the picture can emerge in our completing puzzle.

Early in 2014, we had drawn attention to the troublesome fact that the 6th Form arts department of St. Julie's Catholic High School, in the Archdiocese of Liverpool, had attended the stage production 'Once a Catholic' at the Royal Court Theatre.

We lamented the fact that this dramatization featured the following elements:-

Blasphemous advertising materials which depicted Our Lord Jesus Christ with a 'Rockabilly' hairstyle.
Mockery of Jesus on a Crucifix.
Mockery of His Miracles.
Mockery of Our Lady of Fatima.
Mockery of the Sacred Priesthood.
Mockery of Female Religious.
Mockery of the Virtue of Purity.
Portrayal of the Catholic Church as a sadisitic and unforgiving institution.

In light of these facts, we invited our readers to join us in writing to complain to the Headteacher: Mr. Tim Alderman.

Later that year, we reported that the headteacher had replied to us. He had actually defended the school's visit to this drama; in terms which we demonstrated to be very relativistic and subjective. He also informed us that Section 48 of the RE inspection, from the Liverpool Archdiocese, had suggested that the school provided an environment where, ''the extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding.''

Here is where the pieces of the puzzle suddenly click together. The latest parish newsletter for St. Mary's Woolton states: ''In the event of Cilla Black's funeral on Thursday, Fr. Tim felt very proud of the parish and is hugely grateful for all the hard work that ensured that it was a fitting celebration.''

Readers of the research at Liverpolitanus have a measure against which to discern just how 'fitting' this statement is.

Further on in his newsletter, Fr. Timothy Buckley (CSSR) says: ''As you know I have a lot of sympathy with ACTA, that group of Catholics who wish to have a fruitful dialogue about how we deal with the problems besetting our communities at this time.''

Fr. Tim then moves on to promote a 'Parish Awakening Day' to facilitate such dialogue. He says: ''The venue is St. Julie's School in Woolton and I am immensely grateful to Mr. Tim Alderman, the Head-teacher, for his interest in and enthusiasm for the venture.''


To sum all of this up. We have: a new Archbishop who publicly welcomes the dissenting ACTA group to the Archdiocese for an annual conference; an Auxiliary Bishop who ignores communications warning him of the activities of ACTA in local parishes; the same Auxiliary Bishop concelebrating the funeral of Cilla Black with Fr. Tim Buckley (CSSR); this is the very same priest who has been one of the key driving forces for ACTA in the Archdiocese - and who even spoke at ACTA's annual conference held in the Archdiocese; Fr. Tim Buckley then uses an article in his newsletter to promote both ACTA and a 'Parish Awakening Day' - to be held at the school run by Mr. Tim Alderman; this Mr. Tim Alderman is the very same Headteacher who defended his school's participation in a visit to a stage drama which, blasphemously and sacrilegiously, mocked Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lady and the Church.

Now the puzzle fits together; what a picture we have: how consistently the themes of blasphemous irreverence, dissent and sacrilege run all through it!

In the interests of dialogue, may we suggest to Fr. Timothy Buckley - a man who wants to have an awakening day ''to consider problems besetting our communities at this time'' - that he put blasphemy, sacrilege, grave public scandal, homosexualist ideology, irreverence and theological dissent at the top of his agenda for discussion; and hopefully that he encourage repentance and reparation for all the damage that has been done to souls and to the reputation of the Catholic Church.

Please Pray and Make Reparation 

Today, the Catholic Church in England and Wales celebrates the great Blessed Dominic Barberi.
Blessed Dominic lived through a time when centuries of anti-Catholic legislation were being relaxed, but in which there was still much oppression and mockery of faithful Catholics. He lovingly endured the public taunts and cruel acts of bigots to witness to the truths of the Catholic Faith. His charity, prayer and hard work helped him to win many converts to the Church. Among the most notable was Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman; who later wrote that future Catholics would have to endure persecution from false brethren within the Church.

We've written before that Blessed Fr. Dominic Barberi is buried at a shrine in St. Helens, within the Archdiocese of Liverpool.
We've also written that our late friend Fr. Mike Williams gave us a sachet containing a piece of wood from the coffin of Blessed Fr. Dominic. Please join us in praying to him for his intercession today.

Blessed Fr. Dominic Barberi - Pray for us and for the Archdiocese of Liverpool!