News Item: : Live Chastely Appeal!
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Friday 17 October 2008 - 07:49:15

Living in a small Welsh village meant that my server kept chugging away yesterday and I was very frustrated that I could not get a post up about this important matter. I've now borrowed the above banner from Fr. Tim's blog (see links).

James Preece over at has a good article about the Catholic Youth Service. It seems that they are celebrating the 40th year of Pope Paul VI's encyclical populorum progressio with a 'Live Simply' theme. Well and good so far...

The problem is that the Live Simply theme has been used by the Youth Service for three whole years now and of course this year also marks the 40th anniversary of Humanae Vitae! 

James rightly suggests that this theme has been well and truly dealt with! It appears that the Youth Service are avoiding the harder questions and focusing on softer options to play it safe - thus watering down the content of the Catholic Faith. James has instead begun a Live Chastely appeal for which he wishes to get 1,000 names signed up to demonstrate to the Youth Service that young people are truly interested in the full teachings of the Faith. 

Please click the above link and get your name on his appeal.

You will also find a shocking set of details about the proposals for the 'Youth Sunday' Mass - which is actually the great Feast of Christ the King. These proposals have the approval of the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. The Mass includes canonically illegal and quite ridiculous suggestions such as getting young people to make a chasuble for the priest out of recycled materials and having dancers at the Mass. Even the bidding prayers include things such as 'Forgive us for the times we have overfilled our kettles'...

This all puts me in mind of a 'Youth Mass' I had to attend as part of my job in the town of St. Helens back in 2003 wherein Archbishop Patrick Kelly was the main celebrant...

The tabernacle was in a separate chapel behind a glass screen.

The local mayor processed in with the clergy.

A troupe of dancing girls in leotards flooded the main aisle and the sanctuary, and cavorted with hoola-hoops, streamers and giant beach balls throughout the first hymn, again at the incensing of the Gospel, and towards the end of the Mass. (I kid you not!)

At the end the Archbishop thanked all the young people who had put so much into the liturgical celebration...

Again in 2006, the week after we returned from Steubenville, we entered the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral to find that the Archbishop was in the process of celebrating Mass. For some reason he was surrounded by a group of dancing children in Victorian costumes. We did not hang around to find out why...

We must pray that such abuses stop and that the sacred dignity which should be accorded to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is once more restored. Pope John Paul II taught that when young people are given Christ as He truly is they are able to respond from the heart.

Such banal restructuring of Holy Mass offends God - it is also extemely off-putting to intelligent young people who can see patronising baloney a mile off! When I was in my late teens I was drawn to the Catholic Faith because of the integrity of her teaching, her reverent liturgy and above all because of Jesus Christ - the God Man - not the trendy social worker so often presented to young people to try and attract them. During that time I also met a nun from Mother Teresa's community who understood young people because she loved Christ and reached my heart with the truth in her eyes, her demeanour and her lifestyle. I became a Catholic one week before my 21st birthday. I'm glad that I did not get exposed to the kind of drivel that is being foisted on our youth for this 'Youth Sunday' as I would have thought that was what Catholicism was about. How many young people have been turned away by a false and banal presentation in such pseudo-liturgy and ended up finding 'spirituality' in the wrong places? Indeed, for a while the Archdiocese of Liverpool Youth Service were using the so-called Labyrinth...

It is time to make a stand. You can start by clicking James Preece's link - 

Please pray for young people growing up in Britain today! 


This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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