News Item: : Cardinal Reinhard Marx and the Dissolving of Catholicism
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Tuesday 10 February 2015 - 13:42:43

Desacralization: Cardinal Marx consecrates a new... um... altar.

One of the key players in the Bergoglio-Kasperian thrust on marriage is, of course, the German Cardinal Reinhard Marx; Archbishop of Munich, President of the German Bishops' Conference and member of Pope Francis' 9-member Council of Cardinals.

The German prelate has just given a revealing interview to the Jesuit magazine America, which the journalist Hilary White has reviewed today on LifeSiteNews.

In addition to proffering a Modernistic response to a question on homosexuality, Cardinal Marx had this to say about the re-emergence of a love for Catholic Tradition amongst young people:-

''I have no problem with tradition. But we have also the tendencies that the people want to be clear in their positions. Black and white populism is growing in Europe. And that is the beginning, perhaps, of populism, of terrorism, that's clear''... ''The atmosphere of reducing the complexity of the world, to give simple answers, to give black and white answers, is growing, and I think that is very dangerous.'' 

It is remarkable to hear one of the highest-ranking prelates in the Church coming out with such a faith-dissolving and relativistic misrepresentation of Catholic Truth. And this in a major Jesuit publication. 

His depiction of young Catholic traditionalists certainly bears no resemblance to the various young people that we have met, who - fed up with the architectural, artistic, musical, sexual, physical and theological violence which typifies our times - have turned from the world to Christ and the beauty of His Church. 

One wonders why the German cardinal's words lack any logical apologetic to explain the fact that true Catholics, who fully adhere to Christ's teachings and Church discipline, would naturally reject all forms of terrorism. One searches in vain for any reference from him to the lives of the many saints and martyrs who, in their faithfulness to Sacred Tradition, loved their enemies whilst laying down their lives to follow Christ. What of St. Maximilian Kolbe; an absolute Catholic traditionalist who, held by Cardinal Marx's own countrymen, gave his life to save a married man at Auschwitz? Indeed, one especially laments the cardinal's lack of reference to Jesus Christ. Why no discussion of the Lord's ultimate self-sacrifice to save our souls, or the manner in which this is made present, on the altars of the Church every single day, to offer new life and peace to the world. After all, it is this Mystery which the young traditionalists are most keen to preserve and promote. 

And why is there no reference to the thousands of Christians who, nourished by this Mystery and maintaining a 'black and white' acceptance of Christ's teachings, are being slaughtered in Iraq, Nigeria and Syria by Islamists who utterly reject our Catholic Tradition? It is not the acceptance of 'black and white' truth which leads to violence, but rather its rejection or replacement with ideology. 

Instead of this the cardinal paints an infantile caricature which pleases those promoting a secularized world order and those falling into step with its preliminary mores. We say preliminary, because, looking at history, the stage of widespread licentious disorder is only ever a vehicle allowed and used to pave the way - through the destruction of Church, family, morality and thus true liberty - to new forms of totalitarianism. Sort of like the drug-dealer who first entices kids with free narcotics.  

Only yesterday, we highlighted the fact that, in the emerging cultural climate, to be 'more Catholic than the Pope' could eventually be interpreted - and even punished - as a form of religious extremism.

It therefore gives us little comfort to read of Cardinal Marx's caricaturing of those who love Catholic Truth as being, ''perhaps,'' at the beginning of the road to terrorism. Words such as these, from a man such as Cardinal Marx, are what we think to be really dangerous. 

Cardinal Reinhard Marx would have us dissolve Christ's Church into something so vapid as to be almost invisible. He would substitute Christ's life-giving Altar of Sacrifice with the dictatorship of relativism and its crazy cage. In a time such as this, confused by relativism and seared by terrorist violence, young people are looking for something rather more substantial, beautiful and life-giving. Indeed, only Jesus Christ and the full Deposit of Faith will slake their thirst for meaning and give them the peace and security they cannot find in the world.

As they say in Germany:

Gelobt sie Jesus Christ! 

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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