News Item: : The Feast of St. Joseph
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Friday 19 March 2010 - 20:46:41
Holy Mass today at the Birmingham Oratory was celebrated at the beautiful St. Joseph Altar for the Feast Day.
Father preached about St. Joseph as a model of faith to encourage us in these dark times. He had to practice great faith when the Holy Family were in pagan Egypt. Now we live in a nation which has turned away from God and is imposing evil laws to destroy the family. In such a situation we can look to St. Joseph to comfort us and inspire our faith.
After Holy Mass we lit a candle before the altar and knelt together to ask St. Joseph to grant the request of our latest St. Joseph novena which concluded today.
At the rear of the Oratory is this powerful crucifix which has been a source of much consolation and strength to us during the last year.
This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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