News Item: : Ireland's Revolution of Death - Do Not Call it Compassion
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Saturday 26 May 2018 - 19:28:19

The Rock of Cashel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Tradition holds that St. Patrick converted the King of Munster here in the 5th-Century. In the following centuries, this remained the traditional seat of the Christian Kings of Munster. In 1101, the king donated the site to the Church; and the chapel which followed developed into a vast cathedral in the 13th-Century. In 1647, it was sacked by English Parliamentarian troops, who massacred both the Irish Confederate troops and the resident Catholic clergy. Today, it stands as a poignant reminder of the heights and wonders of Ireland's Catholic civilization.

UPDATE at 7pm UK Time: 12 minutes ago, the BBC has announced the fact that the pro-abortion vote has been carried by 66.4% to 33.6%. Their news is accompanied with images of exultant crowds, with cheering young women prominent amongst them. I don't know what they are cheering about. It is an evil day in Irish and world history. It only makes what follows more relevant. May God have mercy on us...

As I write this at tea-time on Saturday, counties in the Republic of Ireland are returning majority ''Yes'' votes, from the referendum on the 8th Amendment, with depressing regularity.

Although many pro-lifers seemed to concede defeat hours ago, and it seemed odd that many of the ''Yes'' voters were celebrating victory before counting even began, I have waited until now to make any comment as I have continued to hold out hope for a pro-life victory for as long as possible.

One of the more disturbing aspects of all this is to see - once again in such a struggle between the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life - so many people speaking in Orwellian sounding phrases, which attempt to empty the English and Irish languages of all rational meaning.

And so, we have the spectacle of politicians suggesting that the ''Yes'' vote is somehow a sign of ''compassion'' and ''cultural development''.

I mean seriously, have these people ever seen the brutal realities of what abortion truly is? Or the lives it destroys and those it also wrecks? Have they never heard of mortal sin, or even of post-abortion syndrome?

This is what makes the videos of people screaming to welcome ''Yes'' voters at Dublin airport, the photographs of smiling young mums voting ''Yes'' with babes in their arms, and the inane statements of so many politicians and pop stars so grimly disturbing and irrational.

To witness this is to be offended by the festering, yet sweetly sugar-coated, diabolical Hell of post-modern nihilism, in all its narcissistic violence.

This is the darkening of the intellect on a vast scale. It recalls the diabolical disorientaton, warned of by Sr. Lucia of Fatima.

I have been utterly flabbergasted by the sight of Senator David Norris, a man old enough to know better, grinning as he announces that, ''Ireland has changed. We are now firmly in the 21st Century.''

Oh, you are that, mate.

Then again, Sinn Fein's Mary Lou McDonald sounded more strangely Orwellian when she described the ''Yes'' landslide as ''a clear message of compassion and progress.''

Or how about Naomi Long's remarkable description of it as, ''a leap in the respect people have for women.''

Perhaps, though, none of these was as oddly creepy as Simon Harris TD beginning a tweet with a smiley (!), before oozing, ''Will sleep tonight in the hope of waking up to a country that is more compassionate, more caring and more respectful.''

Really? I don't know how that fella sleeps nights. I really don't.

Look, let's say things as they really are, if the English and Irish languages are still to have any content whatsoever, in the midst of this ridiculous emptying out of meaning; which so typifies the post-modern collapse.

If you like:-

Call the ''Yes'' landslide Apostasy.

Call it a Betrayal of the Most Holy Trinity at the heart of the Irish Constitution.

Call it a kind of Blasphemy.

Call it an insult to Christ, Our Lady and the Irish saints, martyrs, missionaries and religious.

Call it cold Cold Blooded Murder.

Call it the chill embrace of the Culture of Death.

Call it Evil.

Call it False.

Call it the start of a Holocaust of the Pre-Born.

Call it Collective Insanity.

Call it the Suicide of a Nation.

Call it the Last Days of the Irish Republic.

But, do not have the temerity, the ignorance, or the downright, wretched arrogance to call it compassion, progress or respect!

No, not ever!

Some years ago, I remarked to my late friend Fr Mike Williams, may God rest his soul, that I could not understand the merry acceptance so many display when it comes to abortion. With the directness which so often typified his comments on matters of such gravity, he told me not to even try to understand it; for it is evil and one could only understand it by becoming a part of it. Best to be ignorant of such things and remain on the side of what is good.

I thought of that sound advice today when I tried to make sense of those merry makers cheering in videos as ''Yes'' majorities were announced from county after county, or perused on-line pictures of parents showing their small children collages made from ''Yes'' voting literature. In the end, I had to make the sign of the Cross and turn off the video as I observed young women screaming in adulation about the acceptance of something which will so offend God, destroy so many innocent lives, massively damage society, harden the hearts of many more men and women, and cause still other women to be used as mere playthings by the selfish lust of so many narcissistic men in these times of immaturity, non-commitment and excess.

Whilst it is clear that, as Save the 8th has charged, Google and others were denying the ''No'' vote advertising space, and we had a weird experience when our own web-security browser kept mysteriously blocking access to the Irish pro-life novena prayers, it is also difficult to know what to make of on-line discussion forum claims of older people being told they were not listed to vote, or else had ''D'' marked next to them to say they were not able to vote in the referendum, when they attended their local polling stations. I imagine that such complaints must be taken, with plenty of witnesses, to the nearest officers of the Gardai.

Again, I have to say that being a Catholic layman these days feels increasingly like being a parched and battle-weary bugler, calling in vain for reinforcements up on Custer Hill; or else as a tear-streaked Joey crying hopelessly for ''Shane'' across the desert.

I mean, for goodness' sake, when Alfie Evans was being forceably denied oxygen, fluid and nutrition, within a heavily cordoned and guarded hospital, I called out numerous times for our local Archbishop to get involved. I can't tell you how gutted I was to subsequently learn that, whilst he could not get down the road a few miles to support Alfie and his family, he had instead been over to Rome to speak about the case with Francis; and that he next managed to get the good priest who was helping the family unceremoniously booted out...

It is the same now with Francis and Ireland. One raises one's voice as best one can, only to find that Francis is ignoring the Irish landslide and tweeting safe little messages about love of God and neighbour. Well, let's make that concrete, shall we?

I've been thinking again this afternoon about the mysterious fact that, at the very moment that Our Lady appeared at Knock, on 21st August, 1879, She was facing silently towards both La Salette and Rome.

And, whilst elements of the overall La Salette apparitions dealt with prophecies of Rome, not without suppression by some authorities in the Church, Our Lady of La Salette was being officially given a Canonical Coronation on that very day. For that information, by the way, I am indebted to Gregory Johnson's series of articles on Knock at Tradition in Action.

This all seems to suggest that there is much more to the Knock apparitions than a mere feel-good, pop-culture kind of loveliness; which is how the shrine is too often presented these days... Clearly, this all needs prayerful discernment and ongoing reflection.

This is especially so, given the appearance at Knock also of the Lamb of God, St. Joseph, St. John of the Apocalypse and the angels; together with Ireland's present and tragic demise into a post-Catholic, Culture of Death. What was Our Lady really communicating to us in Her majestically, mysterious silence? 

The ''Yes'' vote landslide is a massive disaster for Ireland, for the unborn, for the world and for the Catholic Church.

Whatever else that is, and whatever deeper message Our Lady was trying to convey at Knock, as at Fatima and other places, the acceptance of abortion is certainly not compassion. Neither is it progress.

I sincerely hope that the Irish bishops and priests will warn their people tomorrow that, to avoid sacrilegious communions, those who voted ''Yes'' to abortion must repent, confess and make restitution before next presenting themselves for Holy Communion.

Alas, too few did so when the ''same-sex marriage'' referendum happened almost three years ago this summer.

We must all STOP offending God and, from now on, live as real Catholics. It is time for mediocrity to cease. May God convert and forgive us all!

Catholic Ireland is Falling - May Our Lady of Knock - Save us!

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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