News Item: : Georg Ganswein Welcomes Homosexual Pairing to the Vatican...
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Tuesday 11 April 2017 - 12:05:07

Until yesterday, I sometimes found myself worrying that I may have gone too far in raising various questions about Archbishop Georg Ganswein and the Vatican of Pope Francis.

I stopped having such scruples when I encountered these troubling images at the website of Tradition in Action yesterday morning.

You will remember that Pope Francis had welcomed 27 European political leaders to the Vatican on 24th March, in order to celebrate with them the 60th anniversary of the EU's Treaty of Rome.

We had already critiqued that meeting in a recent article, because Pope Francis appeared to step beyond earlier Church teaching by ignoring the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ; whilst he instead presented a concept of, what he described as, ''authentically secular societies''.

Tradition in Action notes that the Vatican welcomed various EU leaders on that day together with their spouses.

However, scandal and confusion have been given by the fact that a homosexual pairing where also welcomed to that event; the two men being received in exactly the same manner as those who attended as husbands and wives.
As you know, Xavier Bettel is the prime-minister of Luxembourg. He came to the Vatican with Gauthier Destenay; a man described as Bettel's ''husband'' in a homosexual pairing.

As the first image shows, Archbishop Ganswein personally received Bettel and Destenay together as a ''couple'' at the Vatican, in his capacity as head of the Papal Household. The second image demonstrates their comportment during the visit.

Tradition in Action has pointed out that both the Pope and the Vatican could have easily avoided this encounter by contacting the Luxembourg government. However, it seems that this did not happen.

Instead, an air of legitimacy was leant to homosexual pairings by the official reception at the Vatican of the two men as though they were an ordinary married couple.

Later on, Bettel was even cordially received for a personal encounter with Pope Francis, as the ever-present Archbishop Georg Ganswein looked on smilingly.
To this radical departure from all previous protocol at the Vatican, must be compared the very last Christmas address given by Pope Benedict XVI to the Roman Curia in December 2012.

In that address, Pope Benedict warned that the spreading acceptance of ''gender theory'' was a denial of God, Revelation and nature, which threatened the family and the basic meaning of reality to its very foundations in the Western world.

Pope Benedict added: ''When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself, then necessarily the Maker Himself is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God, as the image of God at the core of his being. The defence of the family is about man himself. And it becomes clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears. Whoever defends God is defending man.''

Just two months after that very clear address, Pope Benedict would suddenly shock the world with his unexpected abdication and the days of Pope Francis would be merely weeks away...
23rd September, 2015: Pope Francis meets and hugs his old friend Yayo Grassi, together with his homosexual ''partner'' Iwan Bagus. Instead of any warning about the gravity of sin, a faux air of legitimacy was given by this much publicised exchange.

In Saturday's article, I asked a number of questions about Archbishop Georg Ganswein.

Each of those questions has become even more valid in light of the warm public welcome extended to the homosexualists Bettel and Destenay, as though they were just another married couple, at the Vatican of Francis.

Clearly, there is something very wrong at the heart of Rome.

May the Holy Family - Pray for us!

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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