News Item: : In the Hour of Darkness Keep Close to Christ Crucified
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Thursday 06 April 2017 - 22:35:46

Mark 15:33: And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour.

Update: What follows seems even more urgent in light of the US cruise-missile attack on Syria and the developing response of Putin in Russia.

We've just read the headline news at Canon 212, which announces: Francis Thanks Malta Bishops for UnCatholic, Sacrilegious Amoris Laetitia Guidelines.

That headline relates to Ed Pentin's piece at the American National Catholic Register; noting that Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, acting on behalf of Pope Francis, has reportedly sent a letter to Malta's bishops to thank them for their guidelines on the application of Amoris Laetitia.

Steve Skojec at 1 Peter 5 reflects that this finally puts to rest any doubt that Pope Francis supports the worst possible interpretation of the eighth chapter of Amoris Laetitia. As Skojec points out, this is the latest in a line of related events involving Francis, which include: the Kasper Proposal; Synods '14 and '15; Francis' scandal-giving interview with the atheistic Eugenio Scalfari on the issue of divorce and Holy Communion; Francis' letter praising the Bishops of Buenos Aires for their Amoris guidelines; the Cardinal Vicar of Rome's radical guidelines; the utterly sacrilegious guidelines from Malta and Gozo; the similarly dire guidelines from the German bishops; and now this decidely grim news regarding a new letter of support for the Malta/Gozo guidelines.

It would still appear to us at this stage that, being issued as it has been by Baldisseri, this latest letter from Francis still allows him to push the sacrilegious agenda, whilst giving him, yet, some further cover of plausable deniability.

But, seriously, who are we trying to kid?

It is abundantly clear, as it has always been since Francis started pushing Kasper's ''Neo-Mercy'' in the very earliest days of his scandalous leadership, that he is 100% behind this plan.

Regular readers will know that we have not been backwards in coming forwards to, several times, condemn the sacrilegious approach being forced on their priests and people by, what we have described here as, those Judas-Bishops Scicluna and Grech. Indeed, we have warned that these men need to publicly repent of the grave public scandal that they have given in promoting sacrilege, heresy and a radical breach from the teaching of Christ. We have warned that these men's souls could be in danger of Hell for promoting, nay forcing, such widespread sacrilege.

To thus hear of Francis issuing words of praise to them during Passion Week is like the worst kind of body blow one could possibly imagine.

Although, as I have reflected once before, the last few years since the announcement of the diabolical ''Kasper proposal'' have felt like an ongoing and grinding car wreck, there have also been a few times when the darkness was most particularly pronounced.

In my own personal experience, these have included: a sense of the sky going black at the spiritual level, with much evil being unleashed on the earth, when Francis led ''inter-religious prayers'' in the Vatican garden during that otherwise sunny Pentecost in 2014; periods of intense spiritual anguish immediately prior to and during Synod '15; a grim crushing experience during the televised release of Amoris Laetitia, at the point when the key soundbites - which included lines like, ''No-one can be condemned forever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel'' and ''Hence it can no longer simply be said that all those in any irregular situation are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace'' - were smugly announced to a shell-shocked Church.
That very day, almost one year ago to the date, we responded to Fr. Z's upbeat suggestion that, with Amoris Laetitia's ambiguities, the Church had ''dodged a bullet'' by saying: ''Well, yeah... in a Harry M. Whittington kind of way!''

Reading Ed Pentin's report tonight has caused yet another of these bleak experiences of the darkness of the Cross.

I have spoken several times here in recent years of the increasing danger of a major spiritual and temporal chastisement falling on the Church and world for all of this sacrilegious rebellion.
And now, here we are just days from Holy Week, and just weeks from the 100th anniversary of Fatima, with Pope Francis and his closest supporters seeming to fly in the very face of God to further an agenda which, if accepted by the Church, would not only mean disaster for Holy Matrimony, Holy Confession and Holy Mass, though it would also mean all of that, but even disaster for the very nature and credibility of the Catholic Church.

That has always been what is at stake in this high stakes gamble that Pope Francis and his radicals are trying to take and force on the rest of us.

I have also written here about the various approved prophecies which suggest that the Church will be brought very low, indeed so low that it will seem that all is lost, before Our Lady and Our Blessed Lord will usher in the definitive victory and a resurgence of the One True Faith.

In a piece entitled, A Timely Reminder, last September 14th, I recalled the fact that it is essential for each of us to remain focused each day on Christ and the promises He made to the Church, in both Sacred Scripture and Tradition.

As the liturgical celebration of the Crucifixion and Resurrection fast approach, and as the Church and world appear to be on the brink of similar reflections of these mysteries, I renew that appeal to draw very close to Christ.

Perhaps we are now near to very grave chastisements. Who would really be surprised by this when one looks around in the Church and world today? When one thinks of Pope Francis' not-so-subtle promotion of sacrilege and divorce, who would even doubt it, if someone suggested that the oft-prophesied Three Days of Darkness were now near?

In the concluding days of Lent, let us re-focus on Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and His sacred Passion and Death. May we never forget that He is our Light and Salvation.

At the very least, it is essential to be in the state of grace, willing to love and serve God, and ''armed'' with frequent Holy Communion and daily Rosary.

Blessed Crucifixes, Holy Water, blessed candles and blessed salt are similarly vital in these times of dischord.

We must all pray for our family members, neighbours, friends and enemies, that they not be ultimately overtaken by the spreading darkness.
But, as bad as things are getting, do also be encouraged that the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ will ultimately bring the definitive VICTORY! We pray that His Light will shine over, in and through your hearts and homes.

Mark 15:33: And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour.

After the darkness comes Christ's Light and the Resurrection - KEEP THE FAITH!      

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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