News Item: : Interrupted Orthodoxy...
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Wednesday 08 February 2017 - 15:05:56


Too Many Interruptions...

Like many people, we received last night's e-mail from Voice of the Family, highlighting the fact that Pope Francis had adopted the abortion lobby's euphemism ''interruption of pregnancy'' in place of the actual word ''abortion'' during his selected remarks for Italy's ''Day for Life''.

As both Voice of the Family and LifeSiteNews have demonstrated, Francis has thus used a euphemism that was distinctly condemned by St. John Paul II's magisterial encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae, way back in 1995.

That classical document clearly teaches: ''Especially in the case of abortion there is a widespread use of ambiguous terminology, such as ''interruption of pregnancy'', which tends to hide abortion's true nature and to attenuate its seriousness in public opinion'' (EV 58).

As the propagation of the Culture of Life has always been one of the key aims of this Torch of The Faith apostolate - hosting Evangelium Vitae study days/sessions was one of the key things that we used to do - we can only say that we are deeply grieved and troubled by this latest scandal coming forth from the lips of Francis.

Who wouldn't be, given that the Catholic Church is one of the last bastions standing against the slaughter that has killed over 1 billion babies in the womb since pro-death legislation swept throughout the world in the 20th-Century? 

No Mere Slip of the Tongue

The more one thinks about this latest episode, the more clear it becomes that this could not be a mere slip of the tongue.

To describe the brutal slaughter of an innocent child in the womb in such anodyne terminology has to have been calculated; either by Francis, his ghost-writers or both.

This becomes especially clear when recalling that, for several decades, that very phrase has been employed with notoriety by the pro-abortion crowd.

For example, one could no more slip-up by describing abortion as ''interrupted pregnancy'', than one could refer to infanticide as ''interrupted childhood''; or euthanasia as ''interrupted retirement''.

A Troubling Pattern - To Put it Mildly!

Whilst both Voice of The Family and LifeSiteNews note that Francis did speak some welcome words about the sacredness of every life during his speech, they also point to a gravely troubling pattern that emerges when studying the bigger picture of his leadership.

This picture includes: Francis' unqualified profession of gratification regarding the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, even though these call for universal access to ''sexual and reproductive health'' (long-held euphemisms for abortion and contraception); the welcome given at the Vatican, in the days of Francis, to infamous population control advocates like Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Ehrlich; the scandalously obscene and morally confusing ''sex-ed'' programme launched by the re-envisioned Pontifical Council for the Family; Francis' friendship and support for the mass-murdering abortionist Emma Bonino; and his infamous statement that the Church ''cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods''.

And, as Voice of the Family and LifeSiteNews both observe, whilst Amoris Laetitia purports to be about helping families in the modern world, it has not only served to undermine Catholic teaching on the moral law, but also contains only minor mention of abortion; whilst failing even to condemn the practice as an evil per se.

From Decalogue to Dialogue...

This latest scandal-giving speech of Francis comes during a fortnight marked by two separate ''sermons'' in which he has criticized Catholics who supposedly become ''paralysed'' in keeping all the Commandments, and those who he sees as somehow being able to ''hide in the rigidity of the closed Commandments''.

Such un-Catholic, and even blasphemous-sounding, chatter became even more harmful when Francis appeared on screen during the US Superbowl on Sunday to give some humanistic blather about growing in respect for the rules through sport.

Even as he had just trounced the rule of international law and sovereignty in the case of the Knights of Malta!

To Sum Up: the phrase ''interrupted pregnancy'' is to the horrors of abortion, what the phrase ''interrupted orthodoxy'' is to the leadership of Jorge Mario Bergoglio Francis.  

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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