News Item: : A Prayer for America - May the Best MAN Win!
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Tuesday 08 November 2016 - 11:28:03


An Englishman Reflects

Allow us to express our gratitude today to all our regular American readers. We are praying on this day which is so important for the future of your great nation and, indeed, for the stability of the entire world.

As the stakes are so high, please forgive us tea-sipping Brits for meddling in US politics for just a moment.

In light of Hillary's radically anti-Christian and pro-death policies, we think that it is absolutely shocking that Pope Francis appeared to pile upon his previous critique of Donald Trump's ''wall-building'' policy, just a few short days before the election, during his speech to a gathering of ''social justice activists'' in Rome. The circulation of the speech via America magazine only adds to the gravity of this problem.

It rather tends to support Elizabeth Yore's discussions at the Remnant regarding the Clinton/Soros co-option of the Vatican and the seemingly associated surrogacy of Francis.

Sure, Trump is no ideal candidate, and the limited choice between this pairing provides another significant indicator of the collapse of Western civilization, but at least he is not a clearly Alinskyite - and overtly anti-Catholic - promoter of the mass murder and dismemberment of pre-born babies!

Given all of this, the ambivalence, weakness and essentially pro-Hillary stances of various American bishops and journalists is nothing short of lamentable.

Fr. Rutler Weighs In
Fr. George Rutler's on-line photograph has all the dignity and presence of those 19th-Century portraits of the great Churchmen, which are found hanging in episcopal palaces and chancelleries the world over; it is no worse off for all of that!

Some English friends of ours were once in New York City during a Stateside vacation. They fronted up to the door of Fr. George Rutler's presbytery and announced that they were overseas fans of his regular shows on EWTN. With typical grace and civility, the good Father welcomed them in for a spot of classical hospitality.

I always think of Fr. Rutler as one of the most sensible parish priests that one could likely meet in New York City, or anywhere else for that matter, during these grim days of struggle for the very soul of the Church.

As with the good Fr. Francis Marsden in our home Archdiocese of Liverpool, Fr. Rutler is one of those intelligent and orthodox priests that all right-thinking people agree should have been made a bishop.

At the very least.

Oh, but you see he was just too orthodox for these times when mediocrity will have its triumph...

And so, the likes of Fr. Rutler - to say nothing of his holy icons - are quite literally passed from pillar to post, in order to make way for the girlish, the whirlish or the buffoon.

Orthodoxy and Backbone

One of my favourite quotes from Fr. Rutler comes from a classical appearance that he made on Mother Angelica Live! many years ago.

During that sublime episode, Fr. Rutler smoothly announced: ''Orthodoxy is not enough... What is also needed is backbone to see it through historically.''

Both Fr. Rutler and Fr. Marsden have given ample evidence of both orthodoxy and backbone during the many years of their priesthood.  
It is heartening to read, via the Pastor's Column at Rorate Caeli, that Fr. Rutler has again provided a demonstration of both orthodoxy and backbone during his recent reflections on the Presidential Election.

Here are a few essential quotes for American voters to consider on this momentous day:-

It is incorrect to say that the coming election poses a choice between two evils. For ethical and aesthetic reasons, there may be some bad in certain candidates, but badness consists in doing bad things. Evil is different: it is the deliberate destruction of truth, virtue and holiness.

While one may pragmatically vote for a flawed candidate, one may not vote for anyone who advocates and enables unmitigatedly evil acts, and that includes abortion. 

At one party's convention, the name of God was excluded from its platform and a woman who boasted of having aborted her child was applauded. It is a grave sin, requiring sacramental confession and penance, to become an accomplice in objective evil by voting for anyone who encourages it, for that imperils the nation and destroys the soul.

It is also the duty of the clergy to make this clear and not to shrink, under the pretence of charity, from explaining the Church's censures. Wolves in sheep's clothing are dangerous, but worse are wolves in shepherd's clothing.

While the evils foreseen eight years ago were realized, worse would come if those affronts to human dignity were endorsed again. In the most adverse prospect, God forbid, there might not be another free election, and soon Catholics would arrive at shuttered churches and vacant altars.
The illusion of indifference cannot long be perpetuated by lame jokes and synthetic laughter at banquets, for there is handwriting on the wall.

When thinkers as culturally and spiritually aware as Fr. George Rutler start sounding a similar note to Alex Jones, then you know it is beyond time to sit up and pay attention!

On this day, we at Torch of The Faith thank God for Fr. Rutler's courageous witness and earnestly pray: May God Bless America!  

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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