News Item: : What a Terrible Mess!
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Sunday 08 May 2016 - 11:31:42


A Bombshell!

We were hoping to leave the ''engine room'' for a while and provide something a little more spiritually edifying for Sunday. Unfortunately, events have overtaken that intention with news of the latest bombshell to reverberate from the very heart of Rome. It is kind of ironic that this should happen during the weekend of World Communications Sunday...

1 Peter 5, The Remnant and various other sources are reporting on a translation of an interview given by Archbishop Bruno Forte to on the 3rd May, 2016.

Archbishop Forte is of course the man personally chosen by Pope Francis to be the Special Secretary for Synods '14 and '15 on marriage and the family. He is also the man who is widely reported to have been behind the insertion of those infamous statements about ''valuing homosexual orientation'' into the mid-term report of Synod '14.

According to the English translations of Forte's interview with Archbishop Forte has in fact revealed a ''behind the scenes'' (moment) from the Synod: ''If we speak explicitly about communion for the divorced and remarried,'' said Archbishop Forte, reporting a joke of Pope Francis, ''you do not know what a terrible mess we will make. So we won't speak plainly, do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.''

''Typical of a Jesuit,'' Archbishop Forte joked.

Before anyone rushes to suggest an inaccurate source or a faulty translation, the original has been in the public realm in Italy for several days by now. As Forte gave the interview it would have been up to him to deny the reports by this time. His failure to do so has put the onus on Pope Francis to deny it. Again, no such denial has been forthcoming. We cannot therefore fail to see Forte's words as a dreadful confirmation of all that we have been saying recently about the disturbing ambiguities present in Amoris Laetitia. Some joke!

Confirming Worst Fears

Christopher Ferrara reflects at The Remnant: ''Forte isn't telling us anything that wasn't already perfectly obvious: the Phony Synod was merely the delivery vehicle for what Francis had already decided to do. What is remarkable about Bruno's admission, however, is his utter lack of concern about revealing explicitly to the world that the ''synodal journey'' was an exercise in cunning and deception designed to hide from the faithful and the few opponents in the hierarchy what Francis had in mind from the very beginning of his pontificate, when he heaped praise on Cardinal Kasper's ''theology of mercy'' from the balcony of Saint Peter's during his first Angelus address.''

For our part, we find it remarkable that such a high-ranking prelate can speak so flippantly about the subtle promotion of large-scale sacrilege and mockery of the sacraments.

Whilst it is said that ambiguity is of of the Devil, it is also said that at some point he always has to show his evil hand. It certainly looks as though the mask is now steadily coming off. Surely, the hierarchy can no longer maintain their strange silence? The whole scenario is nothing short of apocalyptic.

A Bigger Mess Coming?

May we not forget the most recently released warning about a coming chastisement, which is attributed to Sr. Lucia of Fatima: I felt my spirit filled with a light-filled mystery which is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance which detaches, touches the axis of the earth and it (the earth) shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, rivers and clouds leave their bounds, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool, houses and people in a number unable to be counted; it is the purification of the world from the sin it is immersed in. Hatred, ambition cause destructive wars. Afterward I felt in the increased beating of my heart and in my spirit a quiet voice which said: ''in time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Heaven in eternity!'' This word, ''Heaven,'' filled my heart with peace and happiness, so much so that, almost without realizing it, I continued to repeat for some time: Heaven, Heaven!''

It was this experience which gave Sr. Lucia the strength to write the Third Secret of Fatima.  

''Messy Church''

During this past week: we have heard Amoris Laetitia described in a homily as a ''defence of the family'' and have seen it welcomed unreservedly by our Bishops of England and Wales; we have heard rank heresy preached during Mass in another parish; and elsewhere we have encountered orthodox priests who, in spite of the gravity of these times, have not even preached at all, in order to fit around sports fixtures in the media. Whilst false shepherds are throwing down poison, some orthodox ones are allowing an admixture of poison to become mixed with healthy food without warning and others still are failing to feed their flocks anything at all. It does seem as though the diabolical disorientation, so chillingly explained by the good Sister Lucia, is continuing to increase by the day. 

As we are now well into the traditionally Marian month of May, we must pray very much for Our Lady's maternal protection for the Church and for souls in the times ahead.

Our Lady of Fatima - Pray for us!

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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