News Item: : Pope Paul VI's Prophetic Teachings
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Thursday 20 November 2008 - 12:47:27

p_vi.jpgPope Paul VI (from Vatican Website)

The American website provides a summary of the prophetic aspects of Pope Paul VI's excellent teachings contained in his encyclical Humane Vitae. In short, His Holiness said that if his beautiful teaching were rejected, the following consequences would ensue;

Conjugal fidelity would fail and there would be a general lowering of morality.

Men would lose respect for their wives and make of them an object.

Mankind would claim limitless dominion over the human body.

Governments would impose contraception on their populations.

With the gift of hindsight, these warnings can now be seen to be truly prophetic. Tragically they have all come true... and then some!

Focusing for now on this last point, we know of course that China has long persecuted its own people with cruel impositions of population control.

However, a post on John Smeaton of SPUC's blog this week really hits home how these prophecies are now coming home to roost in our very own nation.

John Smeaton says;
thumb_man_of_the_match_2.jpgI am not reassured by the Government's statement, reported in the Telegraph and elsewhere, that it won't force teenage girls to have a contraceptive injection - a form of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC). Do they really need to tell us that? Clearly, the Government thinks it does need to do so.

The Government's statement could not be more disturbing, not least in the context of the recent Government announcement that it intends to make sex and relationship education compulsory throughout both primary and secondary schools: it reflects a culture of governance in which pressure to contracept and pressure to abort are becoming more and more an instrument of government policy.

We see this culture at work in the imposition on British families of the government's policy of secret access to abortion and abortifacient birth control drugs and devices to schoolchildren - without parental knowledge or consent, championed by Tony Blair and his government and continued under Gordon Brown.

The Government's outrageous statement, reported today, makes it all the more clear that their plans announced last month regarding compulsory sex education in primary and secondary schools, are all about priming children to embrace the abortion/contraceptive culture from 4 - 5 years old - as I pointed out at the time. (John Smeaton)

Clearly we must increase our prayers and penance! 

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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