News Item: : Small Things - Big Helps
(Category: Torch of The Faith News)
Posted by admin
Thursday 14 April 2016 - 22:47:39

La Dolorosa Del Colegio - Quito (Ecuador).

Fish, Chips and Pope Francis

It is clear from the internet that Catholics around the world are experiencing confusion, discouragement, and also temptations against faith, hope, charity and even chastity, during these confusing days following the release of Amoris Laetitia.

We had a pretty discouraging day ourselves yesterday too. First, someone e-mailed out of the blue to recommend we take a break from doing this blog.

Later on, I was spoon-feeding Mum her fish, chips and peas in a discrete corner of a cafe in Southport, when an Evangelical Protestant street-preacher suddenly came over. He was wearing a broad white smile to match his broad white sweater. This latter was brightly emblazoned with the phrase: ''You'll never get to Heaven without Christ.'' 

Now, whilst I share the sentiment, I was somewhat disconcerted that this chap was clearly about to interrupt our private consumption of hot fish, chips, peas and a nice pot of tea. It's just not the British thing to stride over and break in on someone's grub like that.
After a brief introduction, during which I politely expressed my admiration for his jumper, he asked if I knew what the root of society's problems was. As I balanced the next small mound of peas on Mum's spoon, I considered whether it would be prudent or not to begin with an explanation about the evils of the loss of Catholic Christendom since the Reformation...

To tell the truth, I was already so worn out by lack of sleep, and worrying over the finer-points of Amoris Laetitia-gate and their vast ramifications in the wee small hours, that I played it safe by answering that it was down to the widespread rejection of Christ. 

Clearly impressed with my answer, the gentleman moved me up to the ''Bonus Round'' by next asking me how long I thought it would be until the Second Coming.

Becoming a little annoyed at this prolonged and uninvited intrusion into our brief escape from the field of religious controversy - to say nothing of the fact that our battered cod was now rapidly cooling - I mumbled that, the way things are going, I thought it might be close.

''What!'' he exclaimed in great animation. ''We're up to our eye-balls!''

He then explained how he had noticed a big difference in the response of the general public to his street preaching nowadays in comparison to 20 years ago.

Now, I admit, news of this cultural socio-religious indicator did interest me, so I put down my poor Mum's spoon to listen.
He said that he remembered a Good Friday in the 1980's when a couple of thousand had enthusiastically heard him preach on Merseyside. In comparison, this year, a couple of hundred went past him on Good Friday; but not one had wanted to stop and listen. He then added that one of his colleagues had even been arrested for ''hate crime'' for speaking about ''LGBT stuff''. 

As I gradually resumed trying to feed Mum, he asked what had happened to her. Now, remember, I grew up in Evangelical circles, so I knew what was coming next. And I did try to avoid it by mumbling, when I said that Mum had suffered a stroke 18-months ago. You see, I knew that this answer, especially with this lengthy timescale, was about to make me vulnerable to a broadside about the power of healing, the need for faith and the problem of supposedly unnecessary suffering amongst Christians. Neither was I disappointed. Well, actually, I was! With great vigour, the man slapped a soft-backed New Testament down right next to my cooling plate and tea-pot, before starting on about these very themes.

The Cross is the Royal Road to Heaven

As a Catholic, I naturally do believe in healing, but I also believe that God's Will is more important. We've prayed here at home and at the Shrine of Knock that, if it were good for Mum's soul and salvation, she could be healed. But thanks to the rich Catholic theology of the Cross, and our belief about the goodness of matter and its ability to convey grace and meaning, we also accept suffering as a share in Christ's Passion, a chance to make reparation for sin and a way to draw close to God. Really, it is the only way to Heaven.

The Francis-Effect on the New Evangelization...

I was feeling pretty exausted by then and I didn't have the energy or the will to even go there. These are not particularly things you easily get into with total strangers when you are trying to feed someone anyway. Plus, I began to think how this conversation might get mighty sticky if the subjects of Catholicism, the Papacy and even Amoris Laetitia were to come up.

Now, in the past, I would have relished opportunities like that to share the Faith through a bit of Catholic Apologetics. Perhaps it is just more of that phenomenon known as the Francis-effect, but I just didn't have the confidence yesterday to get into such a discussion.

At that point, as good-hearted as the fella clearly was, I began to pray earnestly that he would just leave us alone. At that point, I became very aware of Christ scourged and suffering on the Cross. I also realised how much we are suffering as Catholics in the days of Pope Francis. It seems that we are becoming mute in the midst of this frequent barrage of ambiguity, confusion and even strong statements against so-called doctors of the law.

Perhaps the man noticed how his discussion of ''unnecessary suffering'' was making me suffer, or maybe my prayers were answered. It could have been a little of each. Whatever the case, he began to politely draw the conversation to a close, before announcing that he would see us in Heaven, if not before.

This brings me to two little helps we received yesterday in the middle of times of spiritual darkness. To tell the truth, the ramifications of Amoris Laetitia have caused us to experience a kind of faith-extinguishing darkness. It calls to mind the flame of a Bunsen Burner being sucked out in a blackened room. At such times, and if this happens to you we highly recommend it, we have called out, even interiorly, to Our Lady to save us.

And She does.

We had two little things happen this week that were a great help. As our title announces: they were small things, but big helps. We share them here to encourage those experiencing confusion and all kinds of temptations.

Mother of Sorrows

Now, I don't mean to sound spooky, superstitious or over-spiritual, but this is what happened. We have a copy of the above-pictured La Dolorosa Del Colegio on the wall in our kitchen. It has been attached with ''Blu-Tac'' to one of Dad's pictures of a Traditional Latin Mass for months. Angie found it in the middle of the kitchen floor and stuck it back up. A short while later, she returned to find it again in the middle of the kitchen floor. As it represents Our Lady of Sorrows, and as this had happened twice, our attention was raised and we read the back of the image.

The original picture is miraculous. It is based in the College to the Church of the Jesuit Fathers in Quito, Ecuador. Yes, the same town where Our Lady of Quito gave the prophetic messages about freemasonry and the attack on the Church and marriage that have come so true in our own times.

On 20th April 1906, thirty-six boys attending the Jesuit boarding school in Quito, together with Fr. Andrew Roesch, witnessed the first miracle of the famous picture of Our Lady of Sorrows in Quito.

While in the refectory, they saw the Blessed Virgin slowly open and shut her eyes. This same miracle happened several times afterwards. After a Canonical investigation, the Vicar General ordered the picture to be taken in procession from the college to the church.

At the church, the prodigy was repeated several times in front of the large gathered crowd. One hardened sinner was instantly converted and wept tears. Another left in disgust, refusing to believe. However, he returned after being interiorly drawn back to the church. Again, he left in disgust, still refusing to believe. When this happened a third time, he too received the grace of conversion and knelt down weeping tears of compunction. There were many other conversions too. 

Again and again, this miracle happened, at one time for three consecutive days. At a place called Riobamba, the same wonder was even witnessed before a reproduction of the holy picture.

On the 20th April, 1956, the 50th anniversary of the miracle, Pope Pius XII decreed the Canonical Coronation of the miraculous image of Our Sorrowful Mother, declaring her the Queen of the Catholic Education of Ecuador. There is a prayer printed on the reverse of our image which reads: ''Queen of Catholic Education, pray for the children and the young who are being educated without God!'' (Copies are available from Cenacle UK).

That is the first little thing to be a big help this week.

Although only a small picture, the discovery of it on the floor reminded us of the Mother of Sorrows and of her miraculous interventions. Also, next Wednesday will be the 110th anniversary of the miracle.

Come Holy Ghost

The second relates to the Holy Spirit.
Yesterday morning I was in the living room praying the Little Office of the Virgin Mary in Latin. My mind was wandering over the ramifications of Amoris Laetitia, when I suddenly heard a ''ping'' sound and something rolled across the carpet.

There is a picture of Christ Pantocrator which, again, Dad had put up in there many years ago. Attached to that with a small adhesive pad, also there for many years, is a small golden coloured medal of the Holy Spirit. This had suddenly detached from the picture frame as I was praying and worrying.

It seemed rather amazing, being that each night for the last week or so, Angie and I have been praying a novena to the Holy Spirit in order to persevere in the Faith, come what may.

The medal has an image of the dove of the Holy Spirit on one side, and the words ''Remembrance of Confirmation'' on the other.

When I read these words, I was filled with a deep peace and memory of my reception of Confirmation in April 1993. I reflected on the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit imparted at Confirmation. This helped me to remember that we are confirmed as soldiers for Christ.

I do believe that God gives little signs all the time to help on the pilgrim journey. As times become more dark and difficult, it is worth remembering that He has promised that He will not leave us orphans: ''I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you'' (John 14:18).

And also: ''Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world'' (Matthew 28:20).

As things get more difficult for the Church, and for each of us as we try to remain faithful, may none of us forget to remain open to the little things and big helps which God gives to us. Truly we are not alone in this struggle. And if you are in the state of grace, the Holy Trinity is at home in you.

Holy Spirit - Have mercy on us!

Mother of Sorrows - Pray for us!

This news item is from Torch of The Faith
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