Bishop Monforton of Steubenville, Ohio, Leads Pro-Life Prayers in Pittsburgh P.A.

Torch of The Faith News on Wednesday 23 July 2014 - 12:33:21 | by admin

Every Saturday morning in the academic year, the Students for Life group at Franciscan University of Steubenville travels into Pittsburgh to pray outside one of the abortion centres. This constitutes one of the various Works of Mercy developed and promoted at the university. Other apostolates include outreach to the homeless; care for the sick; support for people suffering mental health problems; and service in nursing homes for the elderly.

The Students for Life group leads the Rosary each week to pray for the conversion of all involved in the abortions occuring at the Pittsburgh abortion centres, and to offer help to anyone who is open to receive it. We remember the joy that spread through the university campus, during our two years there, when a mother decided to keep her baby after encountering the loving witness and support of the Students for Life group. We were able to join with the group in Pittsburgh on Good Friday in 2006. It was particularly poignant to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and to sing Lenten hymns, on that holy day when Christ suffered and died for sinners, whilst babies were being killed just across the road from us, and as a local lady told us just how much pro-lifers 'really made her sick!'.  

The pro-life group are very positive and joyful, through the strength derived from the sacraments, prayer and shared ideals. They were greatly encouraged recently when Bishop Jeffrey Marc Monforton of Steubenville joined them to lead the Rosary. These pictures were taken by the group and placed on their Facebook page. They also feature Fr. Bradley LePage T.O.R.
Bishop Monforton was appointed to the Diocese of Steubenville in 2012. He wrote a very encouraging 2013 Pro-life Message to his flock last year.

''While we find ourselves admittedly in some dark recesses of our culture in this era which diminishes and normalizes the integrity of human life in all its forms, we cannot be complacent and at the same time you and I cannot despair. We are agents of hope. You and I are ambassadors of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As long as we allow our faith to burn brightly, the flame for all to see, throughout the present and even further in later trials, the standard of the Cross remains before us. We will be victorious. Our work in promoting life is apostolic work. It is following Our Lord, enriching our world in which we live to evangelize our brothers and sisters for them to recognize in the words of Our Lord, through the writer St. James, demonstrating faith through works. Some may look at our works as being bold or innovative, but admittedly we simply are being who we are, followers of Jesus Christ, Who suffered, died, rose from the dead, and ascended to the Father, for you and for me, so that we may live.''

It is very heartening to read these words and to witness such episcopal leadership today. May God bless Bishop Montforton and all involved in this life-saving apostolate.      

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