The Feast of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Torch of The Faith News on Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 12:55:45 | by admin

st_pio_oremus.jpgAfter the anticipation of the St. Pio Day of Prayer during Sunday, now the Feast of St. Pio of Pietrelcina has arrived! With what joy may we celebrate the feast of this powerful saint for our times!

Such is his greatness that when we think of St. Pio we each have a favourite aspect to reflect on. There are of course his sacred stigmata; the wounds of Christ which he bore for 50 years of silent suffering. Then there are his bilocations during which he mysteriously helped many, obtained healing for others and even confessed and absolved the dying in their own homes without leaving the friary at San Giovanni Rotundo! There is his mysterious perfume sent all over the globe to encourage, strengthen and warn his spiritual children in the midst of trials and temptations, or to call them to his presence. There are the countless miraculous healings, accurate prophecies and mysterious knowledge. There are his long hours every day in the Confessional; reading souls and bringing countless individuals to genuine repentance, reform and renewal of their life as Christians.

And central to all of this were his beautiful celebrations of Holy Mass, during which he experienced the Passion of Christ, his wounds bleeding and his heart and soul bursting with the love of God. He taught that 'A day without the Holy Mass is like a day without the sun'.

st_pio_mass.jpgSt. Pio gave himself to God during his youth as a victim soul to respond to the call of the great Pope St. Pius X for such souls to repay and defend against the errors of Modernism; which, as the Saint and Pontiff accurately prophecied still dog the Church today. He is truly a saint for our times and a powerful icon of the love of God, redeeming the world in Jesus Christ. He is a sign of contradiction to a world which rejects God's Law of Love. St. Pio presented the 20th century and beyond with a living, praying, teaching, bleeding, Crucifix. He confounded the limits of science, won the hearts of sinners and showed forth the power of the Church and her Sacraments as the means to a happy and blessed earthly life and eternal peace and beatitude with God.


St. Pio makes us laugh because he teaches the way of true happiness. His appeal is thus universal and shines as a light to young people, the aged, the lonely, the misunderstood and the suffering. He teaches us that there is nothing more miserable than sin and that true joy and liberty only come from repenting and confessing all our sins with sincerity and walking forwards as children of God. He told us to pray, hope and not to worry; God has the last word of love over sin, limitations, suffering, persecution and death.

Because he loves us so much and we love him back, we are going to develop and launch a St. Pio page on this website which we will add soon. Please pray that St. Pio will help us with this so that more souls may be reached.

St. Pio; priest, monk, shepherd, spiritual father, confessor, healer, and alter Christus who taught that prayer is the key to the heart of God - pray for us! 

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