God is with Us!

Torch of The Faith News on Tuesday 18 November 2008 - 12:30:55 | by admin

fr_corapi_009.jpgDuring the last few weeks we have been watching DVD's of Fr. Corapi's excellent presentation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Last night we were particularly struck by some encouraging words that we would like to share with you during these physically, and in many ways spiritually, dark days of November, 2008.

Fr. Corapi was calling upon his hearers, in Sacramento during 1996, to refocus on Jesus Christ.

He said that none of us can get through this valley of darkness unless we cling to the Light of Christ. We must concentrate on that light; even, and especially, if at times we have only a tiny sense of that light. No matter how bad or how dark it gets we must focus on and follow that one true light. To focus on the darkness will draw us into its mileu. 

With power in his voice, Fr. Corapi reminded that if anyone is depressed or alone they are to call upon God;

'Fear not, little flock, for Jesus Christ has made YOU the heir of the kingdom. You need to walk by faith, not by sight. The Blessed Trinity is at work in Creation. No matter what happens He loves us! Enter into the light for GOD IS WITH US! This God loves you and calls you by name to enter into His kingdom.'

Our prayer this day is that all who need comfort, forgiveness and hope, may turn to Jesus Christ and have that peace which the world cannot give.

Spread the Word - the Eternal Word - Jesus Christ!

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